
International Association for Spelling as Communication

I-ASC is an association composed of individuals from the nonspeaking and neurodiverse communities; their families; trained practitioners; and informed allies. I-ASC welcomes our diverse community members without judgment or discrimination of any kind. I-ASC is committed to ensuring access to effective communication that supports agency and autonomy for nonspeaking, minimally and unreliably speaking individuals.


CommunicationFIRST is the only nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting and advancing the civil rights of the more than 5 million children and adults in the United States who, due to disability or other condition, cannot rely on speech alone to be heard and understood.

Resources by Nonspeakers

Discover what the actual experts have to say!

Eye-tracking Research

Eye-tracking research reveals agency in assisted autistic communication

Tampa Bay Letter Board Community

When you are in the Tampa Bay area you must hang out with us! We get together a few times a month…we go to the beach, check out local museums, go on hikes/walks, play foot golf, and so much more! Look for us on Facebook, Instagram and on our website for more information.

S2C Lessons


qUirk’s mission is compassionate partnering to empower nonspeaking autistics to overcome, grow & thrive.

Noah Sebak is eager to support nonspeakers & their allies. Check out his website to learn more about the services he offers to the community.

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